I hope your spring has been a good one. We who live in Texas have had an unusually mild and cool spring, accompanied by much rain. The rain has caused the Texas wildflowers to flourish, adding stunning beauty to the landscape. I recently read Psalm 96, verses 11 and 12:
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. Psalm 96:11-12

Jubilant is one of those words that is not used much in our current culture. Jubilant means “feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.” The Hebrew word that is translated “jubilant” in the above version means “to celebrate, to rejoice, to exult, to be jubilant.”
“Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy!…” NLT
“Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein…” KJV
“Let the fields and everything in them celebrate!…” NET
In a world that seems to be on the “brink” most every day, it’s good to remember that God gives us simple things for us to find joy in; things we often take for granted.
God is indeed an awesome Creator-God of beauty.
Art shows are slowly starting back up. Some are still confined to “online” only shows, while, others are fortunately hanging the exhibitions in person. Others are “hybrid” shows; Hanging in person, but no reception or not open to the general public The 36th (2021) Texas & Neighbors Regional Art Exhibition was like this and I had a Charcoal selected for this regional competition and was honored to win 2nd Place in the Drawing category. The Charcoal work was on gessoed Yupo paper and titled “Re-Charging”. I was also blessed to receive an Honorable Mention in the RCAS 55th Annual Regional Juried Exhibition for another Charcoal on gessoed Yupo called Minimum Wage.

BRECKINRIDGE EXHIBITION (not to be confused with Breckenridge, Colorado)
The 30th Annual Juried Art Show sponsored by the Breckinridge Fine Arts Center in Breckinridge, Texas is currently hanging. I was fortunate to have 4 works selected for this national exhibition. The Show Reception will be at the Center on August 28. If in the area come check out the various works of art selected for the show.
TWO-DAY WORKSHOP: July 22 and 23 in Waxahachie, Texas, Art on the Square is hosting my “Painting Essentials” two day workshop. This workshop will focus on three foundations of oil painting, and really, creating art in general: Composition, Value and Color. Learning or strengthening these three pillars of visual expression helps reach the workshop goal of creating well composed, harmonious paintings that express your “story”. I will also spend a short amount of time discussing the use of digital photography reference to compose paintings. For more information or to REGISTER for this workshop, Click Here!